This picture explains the 60's -70's and it's thrilling daily air of flight, every day, always doing more- like this. Making works that were fresh in intuition and explosions.
My daily life was made so much fuller by being a university teacher of art, sculpture in clay and steel. Then going into metals of all kinds in casting bronze and fabricated steel. My copper sheet paintings were taken from the use of human figures like this portrait of Frankie. If you started your arts in the 60s and 70s there was no looking back. I went from one material to the next like a dancer on a hot run and jump into the air for flight.
In 1968 I was out of graduate school with an MFA in Sculpture and minor in Drawing. Claremont Graduate Univ., Claremont, CA. made my whole life change-the University World opened up to me and I went through 5 major universities teaching ceramic sculpture- drawing the human figure in a very new and dramatic way. You were already there- just work.