Old Jim- New Jim
The more I think about age and time and the rest of life - it is up to us to think as we would like to be. Knowing the most important...
Old Jim- New Jim
Land Fall, I, II, III: Mysterious Artist at work
East Garden Memory/Meditation Path and Way:
Lone: Portrait of a Stone
Vertical Colossus
Shadows Chasing Realities: 10/11/21
Jim Foster in Rifle, 11/1/21
Motion Art: At the mailbox with truck @ 55mph.
Roosters XXX:
Analog meets Digital: 6'x6', oil on canvas
Jim Foster, in an idle moment, to reflect on nothing.
Wood Sculpture: 5'x2', driftwood found art:This is a beginning piece for sculpture.
Shadow Play with Light Motifs:
Play Set, Steel, 11'x10'x9', dedicated to building theater form:
Nan McKinnell pots,
Night Art, OIL, 55"x55", encaustic oils on canvas, 2016,
Rockout Sunset:
Ceramic Roosters, porcelain, 6"x5"x3',10/96:
Jim Foster: photo by Mark James,
Movent Art: